HCC Gets Involved with Concerts For A Cause

HCC is proud to be a Silver sponsor for the Concerts for a Cause 2022 season, a Central Indiana concert series of performances by national and local artists and musicians, supporting local charities.
The 2022 season runs from March through November. The next show is on Friday, May 6, 2022 at the Ambassador House at Heritage Park featuring Michael McDermott with opening artist Tommy Icarus, benefitting Joy’s House charity. Other upcoming concerts include Vance Gilbert and Ellis Paul, with Josh Kaufman and Cliff Rithchey in August to benefit Anna’s Celebration of Life Foundation, and the Willy Porter Trio with opening artists the Katherine Nagy Trio in November to benefit the Assistance League of Indiana.
Created in 2016 from the love for music and the desire to give back to the Hoosier community, Concerts for a Cause has a mission to support Indianapolis area not-for-profits that are improving the lives of Hoosiers in need. The organization has donated to more than 20 different, local not-for-profit organizations that are improving the lives of kids, adults, and families in need.