COVID 19: A message from our CEO & President

To all HCC clients and your employees:

All of us at HCC would like to thank you for trusting us with being your CPEO partner. We are honored to serve you every day.

These are unusual times. The quantity of information released by the government is unprecedented. We have been developing and distributing updates on the Federal actions and direction as they change and/or become available. Hopefully, you have had time to read these updates and have found them helpful.

We know that COVID 19 has resulted in an impact on all of us and almost all businesses.

What we can do for each of you may differ, but we are sincere in our offer to help you with matters under our purview. Hopefully, in other areas that impact your business, you are also receiving advice and direction from your financial, accounting, and legal advisors.

Like your company, HCC will be impacted. However, we want you to know that we are strong because of our fantastic team members. These unbelievable people are committed to assisting you. Just like many others, they are working long hours to handle the massive increase in client and employee questions and communications. We focus on our customer service, and we feel that we are best of class. However, in this unusual time, our response times might be a little longer than usual.

HCC may not know the answer to all questions. Federal laws go through a process where the agencies of the Executive branch issue directions and eventually, regulations to implement those laws. In some instances, HCC is waiting for federal government direction on how to engage the implementation of the law in a legal, operational manner that is acceptable to the Department of Labor, the Internal Revenue Service, or other agencies of the Executive branch.

These are trying times. We will all get through this by focusing on being careful, following the recommended actions not to spread this disease, and being considerate of others.

Thank you for your patience and, as always, thank you for your business.

Stay safe,