Ashleigh Armstrong

Payroll Coordinator

Ashleigh Armstrong is a Payroll Coordinator at HCC. She attended Ball State University, where she earned a Bachelor of Arts degree in Business Administration. Before joining HCC, she was employed at a local CPA firm and previously worked in high-end retail sales as a store manager and diamond expert. Her dedication to customer service and knowledge of business administration make Ashleigh a valuable asset to HCC.

Outside of work, Ashleigh and her husband love spending time with family, friends, and their fur babies. She also enjoys an occasional round of golf with her sister and niece. Her other interests include playing tennis, being a Disney World fanatic, and planning extensive Disney vacation itineraries for her family and friends.

Careers That Create Value

At HCC, we truly believe that how we treat our employees is how they’ll treat you. We have great benefits, awesome employees, and we work hard to help our team members feel a real sense of belonging. Our team knows the PEO industry like the back of their hand. We are always willing to help guide and educate new employees. We actively support community involvement and offer each employee up to 16 hours of paid time each year (in addition to paid holidays and PTO) to volunteer with nonprofit organizations they choose to support.